"When I was a kid, I used to think Earth was this perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could become anything. Turns out real life is a little more complicated. Real life is messy. We all have limitations and we all make mistakes, which means we have a lot of things in common and the more we try to understand each other, the more exceptional each one of us would be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of a person you are, try, try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and realise that change starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all of us." - Aravind V. Nair
I am Aravind V. Nair, the Admin of the blog, a BTech Computer Science and Engineering student who is a Google Evangelist and a Google Bug Reporter. I presently am the Web Development Chairperson of IEEE Amrita Bangalore. I previously worked with wikiHow, Techworm and various other startups and private projects. I love robotics, physics, ethical hacking, programming, debugging, cycling, gardening, swimming, playing football, researching and Kung-Fu. My aim in life is to make innovative things for the betterment of every living thing and not just humans. I want to develop the world into a better place for all species.
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